​JTMS Winter/Spring 2025 Issue Call for Papers
The Journal Territorial and Maritime Studies (JTMS) is an interdisciplinary journal of research on territorial and maritime issues sponsored by the Northeast Asia History Foundation with editorial offices hosted by Yonsei University in South Korea. The Journal provides an academic medium for the announcement and dissemination of research results in the fields of history, international law, international relations, geography, peace studies, and any other relevant discipline as they pertain to terrestrial and maritime territorial issues. The journal covers all continental areas across the world, and it discusses any territorial and maritime subjects through the various research methods from different perspectives; moreover, practical studies as well as theoretical works, which contribute to a better understanding of terrestrial and maritime territorial issues, are encouraged.
General Information
​JTMS now accepts articles and essay on a rolling basis year-round! Those wishing for their research to appear in a specific issue should submit their research at least 4 months prior to the Winter/Spring (publication date January 1) or Summer Fall issue (publication date July 1). This does not mean articles will be guaranteed to appear in the next issue as publication is contingent on passing peer review and remaining space available in the upcoming issue.
Journal of Territorial and Maritime Studies publishes two issues per year, one in spring and one in fall. Issues are published at the end of June and January. Authors wishing to appear in the Winter/Spring issue must submit their articles for consideration by September 1st; those wishing to appear in the Summer/Fall issue must submit their articles by February 1st. Peer review may take up to six weeks. Online access to issue articles may take up to two months following publication depending upon the schedule of the online access provider.
Submitted papers should include four major sections: the title page, structured abstract, main body, and references. The title page should contain the title of the paper, the author's name, the institutional affiliation, and keywords. To be considered, Manuscripts must follow the JTMS style guide available on our website. A length of maximum 9,000 words is preferred for an article, including endnotes, 4,000 words for our essays, and approximately 2,000 words for a book review. Inquiries may be sent via the email address provided above. Papers about economics, business, culture, history, politics, international relations pertaining to terrestrial and maritime territorial issues and other academic disciplines are accepted for consideration. To submit an article for possible publication in JTMS, please submit your paper as an email attachment in Microsoft Word to the editor to jtmsjournal@gmail.com. Authors will receive an email confirmation when their articles are received.
Submit all manuscripts and editorial inquiries about JTMS to:
Lonnie Edge
Yonsei Institute of North Korean Studies
Kim Dae Jung Library
#302, 5-26 Sinchon-ro 4 gil, Mapo-gu
Seoul 121-818
South Korea
New Policies for JTMS Improvement
With the recent Scopus listing, JTMS has decided to implement some new measures to make sure we continue to improve and grow as and academic journal. In that interest, we are implementing the following new policies.
To ensure we maintain a broad variety of authors and articles, authors who publish an article in JTMS in a given year may no longer submit an article in the following year. This ensures a minimum 1 year gap between author appearances in JTMS.
In the book review section we intend to implement in house reviews of book reviews. This will ensure a minimum standard of academic rigor and professionalism in our book reviews.
As always, the Editorial Board and staff at JTMS are striving to make JTMS the premier journal of history, politics, and security of terrestrial and maritime territorial disputes and we welcome suggestions regarding how to meet that goal.
JTMS Call for Blog Entries
The blog of Journal of Territorial and Maritime Studies welcomes submissions for blog entries. This forum is intended to discuss topics related to recent territorial and maritime news, research, and policy. Authors may submit blog entries of 1000-2000 words (or longer with editorial approval) on these subjects. It is hoped that this blog will help bring a fresh perspective on how to deal with territorial and maritime issues and the complexities these issues present.
Those wishing to submit a blog post can send their post to jtmsjournal@gmail.com along with the author's contact info, bio, and a recent photo.
Book Reviews
JTMS publishes short summaries of all books received and complete reviews of selected books. Authors and/or publishers interested in having a summary or review of a maritime and territorial studies related book appear in our journal should send a complimentary copy to the book review editor. All reviews should be sent to the book review editor, Alexander M. Hynd (jtmsbookreviews@gmail.com) and cc’d to the managing editor, Lonnie Edge (jtmsjournal@gmail.com). Book reviews should: give a clear and detailed account of book content, explain the value of the book in terms of the literature on the subject, conclude with the reviewer's thoughts on the book. All reviewers are expected to maintain at least a minimum level of impartiality, collegiality, and professionalism in their writing of reviews and critiques of authors. All book reviews will be peer reviewed in house to ensure their quality meets JTMS standards.
Books currently available for review are:
Bueger, Christian; Edmunds, Timothy. (2024). Understanding Maritime Security. Oxford University Press.
Carballo Piñeiro, Laura. (2024). The Elgar Companion to the Law and Practice of the International Maritime Organization.
Gerber, James. (n.d.). Border Economies: Cities Bridging the U.S.-Mexico Divide. University of Arizona Press.
Hall, Ian; Lee-Brown, Troy; Strating, Rebecca. (2024). Blue Security in the Indo-Pacific. Routledge.
Ho, Jeong Dan. (2024). Environmental Damage Caused by Marine Litter: International Regulation and Responsibility.
International Chamber of Shipping; Witherbys. (2023). Piracy, Armed Robbery and Conflict at Sea - 2024-25 Edition.International Chamber of Shipping and Witherbys.
Koktsidis, Pavlos I. (2025). Ethnofederalism in Cyprus: Territory, Power and Security. Routledge.
Mihaylov, V. (2024). Bulgarian Geopolitics in a Balkan Context: Imagining the Space of a Nation. Routledge.
Moyo, Inocent. (2024). Cross Border Security in the Southern African Region: Transcending Statolatry. Routledge.
Vergnano, Cecilia. (2024). Alpine Border Conflicts: Migration and Social Polarization in the Everyday Life of Intra-EU Borders. Lexington Books.
Achcar, Gilbert. (2023). The New Cold War: The United States, Russia, and China from Kosovo to Ukraine. Haymarket Books.
Larsen, Jessica. (2023). Counter-Piracy Law in Practice: An Ethnography of International Security Governance. Routledge.
Todd Bensman. (2023) Overrun: How Joe Biden Unleashed the Greatest Border Crisis in U.S. History, Post Hill Press.
Kennedy, Greg; de Sousa Moreira, William. (2023). Power and the Maritime Domain: A Global Dialogue. Routledge.
Grima, Antoine. (2023). Sea Level Change and Maritime Boundaries (IMLI Studies in International Maritime Law).
Scharre, Paul. (2023). Four Battlegrounds: Power in the Age of Artificial Intelligence. W. W. Norton & Company.
Shimada, Ryuto; Seshan, Radhika. (2023). Connecting the Indian Ocean World: Across Sea and Land. Taylor and Francis.
Chandra, Vivek. (2023). The Law of the Sea and Maritime Boundary Disputes in Areas of Hydrocarbon Potential: A Review of Global Hot Spots. Routledge Research in Law of the Sea Series. Routledge.
Shimada, Ryuto ; Seshan Radhika. (2023) Connecting the Indian Ocean World: Across Sea And Land. Taylor and Francis.
Powell, Emilia Justyna, and Krista Eileen Wiegand. (2023) The Peaceful Resolution of Territorial and Maritime Disputes. Oxford University Press.
Vrancken, Patrick. (2023) State Ocean Jurisdiction. Routledge Research in the Law of the Sea Series. Routledge.
Grima, Antoine. (2023). Sea Level Change and Maritime Boundaries. Routledge.
Gujar, Girish Chandrakant & Adolf K. Y Ng. (2023) Blue Economy and Smart Sea Transport Systems: Maritime Security. Cham: Springer International Publishing AG.
Kapesa, Pfokrelo. (2023) Understanding the India-China border: the enduring threat of war in high Himalaya: 405-406
Caverley, Jonathan D. ; Dombrowski, Peter. (2023) Security Studies in a New Era of Maritime Competition. Taylor & Francis
Peña, Juan Cayón ; Ramírez, J. Martín (2023) Threats to Peace and International Security: Asia Versus West: Current Challenges in a New Geopolitical Situation. Springer Nature Switzerland.
Kaplan, Robert D. (2023). The Loom of Time: Between Empire and Anarchy, from the Mediterranean to China. Random House.
Kraska, James and Hee Cheol Yang. (2023). Peaceful Management of Maritime Disputes. Tyler and Francis.
Ascencio-Herrera, Alfonso, and Myron H. Nordquist. (2022). The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, Part XI Regime and the International Seabed Authority: A Twenty-Five Year Journey. Brill Nijhoff.
Sakhuja, Vijay ; Prabhakar, Lawrence S. (2022) Maritime Security Complexes of the Indo-Pacific Region. Indian Council of World Affairs and Centre for Public Policy Research.
Horna, Angel. (2022) Law of the Sea and Maritime Delimitation: State Practice and Case Law in Latin America and the Caribbean. Routledge Research in the Law of the Sea. Routledge.
Berger, Stefan and Hashimoto, Nobuya (2022) Borders in East and West: transnational and comparative perspectives. New York: Berghahn Books.
Bissonnette, Andréanne & Vallet, Élisabeth. (2022) Borders and Border Walls In-Security, Symbolism, Vulnerabilities. Routledge.
Bradford, John F., Jane Chan, Stuart Kaye, Clive Schofield, and Geoffrey Till. (2022). Maritime Cooperation and Security in the Indo-Pacific Region: Essays in Honour of Sam Bateman. BRILL-Nijhoff.
Chan, Edward Sing Yue. (2022) China's Maritime Security Strategy: The Evolution of a Growing Sea Power. Routledge.
Price, Megan. (2022). International Legitimacy and the Domestic Use of Force. Routledge.
Harris, Paul. (2022) Routledge Handbook of Marine Governance and Global Environmental Change. Routledge
Holst, Rozemarijn J. Roland. (2022) Change in the Law of the Sea: Context, Mechanisms and Practice. Brill.
Joshi, Manoj. (2022) Understanding the India-China Border: The Enduring Threat of War in High Himalaya. Hurst.
Kanrad, Victor and Anne-Laure Amilhat Szary. (2022). Border Culture: Theory, Imagination, Geopolitics. Routledge.
Keshk, Ashraf Mohammed. (2022). Maritime Security of the Arab Gulf States: Analysis of Current Threats, Confrontation Mechanisms, and Future Challenges. Springer.
Kessler, Gary C. (2020). Maritime Cybersecurity: A Guide for Leaders and Managers. Independently published
Litina, Eva. (2020) Theory, Law and Practice of Maritime Arbitration. Wolters Kluwer.
Löwis, Von Sabine, and Beate Eschment. (2022). Post-Soviet BordersA Kaleidoscope of Shifting Lives and Lands. Routledge.
Merrills, John and De Brabandere, Eric (2022) Merrills International Dispute Settlement 7th Edition. Cambridge University Press.
Østhagen, Andreas. (2022) Ocean Geopolitics: Marine Resources, Maritime Boundary Disputes and the Law of the Sea. Elgar Publishing.
Schaeffer, Felicity Amaya. (2022). Unsettled Borders: The Militarized Science of Surveillance on Sacred Indigenous Land. Duke University Press.
Seline Trevisanut, Nikolaos Giannopoulos, and Rozemarijn Roland Holst. (2020) Regime Interaction in Ocean Governance. BRILL-Nijhoff.
Simone Borg, Felicity Attard, and Patricia Mallia Vella de Fremeaux. (2022) Research Handbook on Ocean Governance Law. Elgar Publishing.
Moises de Souza, Gregory Coutaz and Dean Karalekas. (2022) Asian Territorial and Maritime Disputes: A Critical Introduction. Sandman Books
Talmon, Stefan. (2022). The South China Sea Arbitration: Jurisdiction, Admissibility, Procedure. Brill.
Tripathi, Dhananjay. (2020) Re-imagining Border Studies in South Asia. Routledge India.
Belov, Martin (Ed.). (2021). Territorial Politics and Succession: Constitutional and International Law Dimensions. Palgrave Macmillan.
Bryant, Rebecca & Reeves, Madeleine (Eds.). (2021). The Everyday Lives of Sovereignty: Political Imagination Beyond the State. Cornell University Press.
Buszynski, Leszek & Do, Thanh Hai (Eds.). (2021). The South China Sea: From a Regional Maritime Dispute to Geo-Strategic Competition. Routledge.
Cathcart Adam, Green Christopher, Denney Steven (eds). (2021). Decoding the Sino-North Korean Borderlands (Asian Borderlands). Amsterdam University Press.
Daxdecker Ursula & Brandon Prins. (2021). Pirate Lands – Governance and Maritime Piracy. OUP.
Frettingham, Edmund & Hwang, Yih-Jye (Eds.). (2021). Maritime and Territorial Disputes in the South China Sea: Faces of Power and Law in the Age of China’s Rise. Routledge.
Jones, Bruce. (2021). To Rule the Waves: How Control of the World's Oceans Shapes the Fate of the Superpowers. Scribner.
Kittichaisaree Kriangsak. (2021). The International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea. OUP.
van Logchem, Youri. (2021). The Rights and Obligations of States in Disputed Maritime Areas. CUP.
Moore, Cameron. (2021). Freedom of Navigation and the Law of the Sea: Warships, States and the Use of Force. Routledge.
Ma Xuechan. (2021). The Spratly Islands and International Law Legal Solutions to Coexistence and Cooperation in Disputed Areas. Brill.
Pappa Marianthi. (2021). Non-State Actors’ Rights in Maritime Delimitation: Lessons from Land. CUP.
Sergi, Anna et al. (2021). Ports, Crime and Security: Governing and Policing Seaports in a Changing World. Bristol University Press.
Ackerman, Tobias, Sebastian Wuschka. (2020). Investments in Conflict Zones: The Role of International Investment Law in Armed Conflicts, Disputed Territories, and ‘Frozen’ Conflicts. Brill.
Evans Malcolm & Galani Sofia. (2020). Maritime Security and the Law of the Sea: Help or Hindrance?. Elgar.
Heritage, Anisa & Lee, Pak K. (2020). Order, Contestation and Ontological Security-Seeking in the South China Sea: Governance, Security and Development. Palgrave Macmillan.
Johansen Elise, Busch Signe, Jakobsen Ingvlid (eds). (2020). The Law of the Sea and Climate Change: Solutions and Constraints. CUP.
Núñez, Jorge E. (2020). Territorial Disputes and State Sovereignty. Routledge.
Otto, Lisa. (2020). Global Challenges in Maritime Security: An Introduction. Springer.
Purcell, Kate. (2020). Geographical Change and the Law of the Sea. OUP.
Rytövuori-Apunen, Helena. (2020). Power and Conflict in Russia’s Borderlands: The Post-Soviet Geopolitics of Dispute Resolution. Bloombury.
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For more information, please contact the Editorial Office at jtmsjournal@gmail.com