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Lonnie Edge

Managing Editor

Kim Dae Jung Library, 3F,

5-26 Sinchon-ro 4 gil, Mapo-gu

Seoul, 121-818

South Korea

​Fax: 82-2-338-6279

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JTMS Volume 11 Number 2


l Lonnie Edge l PDF


Maritime Diplomacy Challenges in the South China Sea and Possible Judicial Review of the 2016 Award

l Pierandrea Leucci l Abstract


Navigating the Rise of China and the U.S.–India Response in the Indo-Pacific

l Sidhyendra Sisodia l Abstract


The Significance of Global Value Chains in Shaping China’s Maritime Power

l Anne-Marie Dedene l Abstract


The Stability and Finality of Baselines, Outer Limits and Maritime Boundaries in the Context of Anthropogenic Sea-Level Rise

l Marcelo G. Kohen and Lorenzo Palestini l Abstract


Access to Energy and Environmental Protection Under UNCLOS

l Constantinos Yiallourides l Abstract

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JTMS Volume 11 Number 1


l Jongyun Bae l PDF


The Senkaku/Diaoyutai Islands Dispute: A Diversion in Times

of Need

l Thomas Reilly l Abstract


Technological Interaction Capacity: A Structural English School Analysis of Global Undersea Communications Cable Infrastructure

l Sean O’Malley l Abstract


Tackling IUU Fishing, Transnational Organized Crime (TOC) and Maritime Security Threats in the Bay of Bengal: The Role of India and Regional Cooperation Under International Law

l Tarique Faiyaz and Balraj Kaur Sidhu l Abstract


Maritime Governance Analysis for Safety and Environmental Aspects of Domestic Ferries: A’WOT of a Developing Country

l Mirza Zeeshan Baig, Kanwar Muhammad Javed Iqbal, Khanssa Lagdami, and Maximo Q. Mejia Jr. l Abstract l 


China’s Territory (Disputes) and the China Threat: An Empirical Analysis from the Perspective of the English-Speaking Public

l Kerry Liu l Abstract

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JTMS Volume 10 Number 2


l Lonnie Edge l PDF


Revisiting Jurisdiction of UNCLOS Courts and Tribunals Over Ancillary Sovereignty Disputes

l Islam Attia l Abstract


Creating a Resilient Indo-Pacific Region: Analyzing India and South Korea’s Defense Cooperation

l Abhishek Sharma l Abstract


India’s Role in Capability Development Measures for Maritime Security in the Indian Ocean Under SAGAR

l Soumyodeep Deb and Amlan Dutta l Abstract


Maritime Security Governance in the Gulf of Guinea: Opportunities and Challenges of States’ Responses 

l Adam Mohammed l Abstract


Analyzing China’s Concept of Water and Its Implications for India and Bangladesh

l Neeraj Singh Manhas l Abstract


An Alternative Way to Face the Ukrainian War

l Kazuhiko Togo l Abstract

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JTMS Volume 10 Number 1


l Jongyun Bae l PDF


Alleged Violations of Sovereign Rights and Maritime Spaces in the Caribbean Sea (Nicaragua v. Colombia, 2022): Commentary on the Case and the Judgment on the Merits by the International Court of Justice

l Ricardo Abello-Galvis and Walter Arevalo-Ramirez l Abstract


​Is UNCLOS Ready for the Era of Seafaring Autonomous Vessels?

l David Molina Coello l Abstract


Nigeria Ports and Arms Smuggling: Evaluation of Cargo Tracking Note Amidst Growing Insecurity

l Onyemaechi Christopher Ugwuibe, Cordelia Ozoemena Idoko, David C. Nwogbo and Paul Chukwudi Ezinna l Abstract


Political Development Narrative of Africa’s Physical Space: The Case of Nigeria 

l V. Adefemi Isumonah l Abstract


UK House of Lords Inquiry: Is the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea Still Fit for Purpose?

l Mariam Mgeladze l Abstract

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JTMS Volume 9 Number 2


l Lonnie Edge l PDF

Control Through Cooperation? Assessing China's Economic and Military-Strategic Interests in the South China Sea

l Maximilian Ernst l Abstract


​Towards a Holistic Cross-Border Environmental Governance in the European Arctic

l Stefan Kirchner, Nuccio Mazzullo, Ayonghe Akonwi Nebasifu, Pamela Lesser, Paula Tulppo, Katri-Maaria Kyllönen, and Katharina Heinrich l Abstract


Geostrategic Significance of the Bay of Bengal in India's Maritime Security Discourse

l Alik Naha l Abstract


South China Sea: ASEAN Mechanism on Maritime Disputes and the Rise of Indo Pacific Region

l Saidatul Nadia Abd Aziz and Salawati Mat Basir l Abstract


Reasons and Reactions to the Galwan Clash: An Indian Perspective

l Sriparna Pathak and Obja Borah Hazarika l Abstract

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JTMS Volume 9 Number 1


l Jongyun Bae l PDF

Forum Shopping for the Best Adjudicator: Dispute Settlement in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea

l Emilia J. Powell and Sara M. Mitchell l Abstract


​Spanish Maritime Navigation Law: Some Territorial Questions

l José Manuel Martín Osante l Abstract


Small Threats and Sea Service Strategy: Seapower and Its Role in Countering Non-State Threats

l Joshua Tallis l Abstract l


The Practical Implications of Unresolved Maritime Boundaries: Special Reference to the Malaysian Position

l Su Wai Mon l Abstract l


Issue-Based Cooperation on Conflict Resolution in the South China Sea: Exploring Roles for ASEAN Beyond the Code of Conduct

l Edcel John A. Ibarra l Abstract l

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JTMS Volume 8 Number 2


l Lonnie Edge l PDF

Marching Towards Exception: The Chinese Coast Guard Law and the Military Activities Exception Clause of the Law of the Sea Convention

l Alex P. Dela Cruz l Abstract

Options for Overcoming Overlapping Maritime Claims: Developments in Maritime Boundary Dispute Resolution and Managing Disputed Waters

l Clive Schofield l Abstract

Analyzing the Causes and Effects of the South China Sea Dispute: Natural Resources and Freedom of Navigation 

l Christine E. Macaraig and Adam J. Fenton l Abstract

Portugal as an Old Sea Power: Exploring the EU Membership as Geopolitical Design

l Nuno Morgado l Abstract

Maritime Sector as a Growth Engine for Vietnam: A Case Study

l Nitin Agarwala l Abstract

The Shadow of Cold War Politics Over Territorial Sovereignty: The San Francisco Peace Treaty and Its Implications for Japan’s Territorial Disputes with Korea and China

l Kyu-hyun Jo l Abstract

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JTMS Volume 8 Number 1


l Jongyun Bae l PDF


The Potential Impact of Piracy on the ACFTA: A Nigerian Perspective

l Kalu Kingsley Anele l Abstract


The Role of the International Seabed Authority in the Implementation of “Due Regard” Obligation Under the LOSC: Addressing Conflicting Activities

l Yu Long I l Abstract


The Possibility of Litigation Regarding Liability of Flag States in the Case of Vessel-Based Pollution: Where We Stand in the Law of the Sea

l Julia Cirne Lima Weston l Abstract l


Small Island Strategies in the Indo-Pacific by Large Powers

l David Scott l Abstract l


Cross-Border Exchanges and Political Identity Cleavages in Kyé-Ossi, Cameroon

l Fred Jérémie Medou Ngoa l Abstract l

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JTMS Volume 7 Number 2


l Jongyun Bae l PDF


Unilateral Trade Measures and the Importance of Defining IUU Fishing: Lessons from the 2019 USA “Concerns” with China as a Fishing Flag State

l Arron N. Honniball l AbstractPDF l 


International Regime Complexity in EU–Africa Relations

l Fru Norbert Suh I l AbstractPDF


The Re-Emergence of the Bay of Bengal

l Nitin Agarwala l Abstract l PDF


Regulating the Carriage of Firearms by Private Maritime Security Actors: An Empirical Investigation

l Osatohanmwen Anastasia Eruaga and Maximo Q. Mejia Jr. l Abstract l PDF


Boundaries and Natural Resources in the Sea: Oil, Boundary Disputes and the Militarization of the Gulf of Guinea

l Chris O. Ikporukpo l Abstract l PDF

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JTMS Volume 7 Number 1


l Ajin Choi l PDF l 


Surveying Indians’ Foreign Policy Orientations in Territorial Disputes: A Case Study

l Sarah Fisher and Florian Justwan l Abstract


Disputed Vietnamese Territories in the South China Sea: Structure, Physical- Geographical Characteristics, Management of Areas and Development

l Chunjuan Nancy Wei and Mai Frndjibachian l Abstract


Non-Compliance of Judgments and the Inherent Jurisdiction of the ICJ

l Edgardo Sobenes Obregon l Abstract l  


Thucydides in Pyongyang: Fear, Honor and Interests in the 1968 Pueblo Incident

l Benjamin R. Young l Abstract l 


Sea-Level Rise and Coastal States’ Maritime Entitlements: A Cautious Approach

l Vincent P. Cogliati- Bantz l Abstract l 

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JTMS Volume 6 Number 2


l Lonnie Edge l PDF l 


Meaningful Responses to Unilateralism in Undelimited Maritime Areas

l Sandrine De Herdt l AbstractPDF l 


The Future of Baselines as the Sea Level Rises: Guidance

l Michael J. Strauss l AbstractPDF l 


The European Union and Counterterrorism in the Gulf of Guinea: Enough Is Not Enough

l Fru Norbert Suh I l Abstract l PDF l 


Floating Armories and Privately Contracted Armed Security Personnel on Board Ships: Balancing Coastal State Security Concerns Against Navigational Freedom

l Sindhura Natesha Polepalli l Abstract l PDF 


China's Indo-Pacific Strategy: The Problems of Success

l David Scott l Abstract l PDF l 

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JTMS Volume 6 Number 1


l Lonnie Edge l PDF


A South China Sea Regional Seas Convention: Transcending Soft Law and State Goodwill in Marine Environmental Governance? 

l Alexis Ian P. Dela Cruz l Abstract l PDF


The Timor Sea Conciliation and Lessons for Northeast Asia in Resolving Maritime Boundary Disputes 

l Natalie Klein l Abstract l PDF


Crimes Within Crimes in Somalia: Double-Dealing Pirates, Fraudulent Negotiators, Duplicitous Intermediaries and Treacherous Illegal Fishers 

l Awet Tewelde Weldemichael l Abstract l PDF


An Overview of Arctic Legal Regime Regarding the Protection of the Marine Environment and Some Suggestions

l Ekrem Korkut and Lara B. Fowler l Abstract l PDF


Legal Approaches to Dry Cargo Liquefaction: An Arctic Perspective on a Global Problem

l Stefan Kirchner l Abstract l PDF

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JTMS Volume 5 Number 2


l Hyunjung Kim l PDF l 


The Contribution of Fisheries Access Agreements to the Emergence of the Exclusive Economic Zone: A Historical Perspective

l Valentin J. Schatz l AbstractPDF l 


The Settlement of Maritime Boundary Disputes in Southeast Asia and Oceania: A Synthesis in light of Indonesian Practice

l Brian McGarry l AbstractPDF l 


The Principle of Res Judicata, Determination by “Necessary Implication,” and the Settlement of Maritime Delimitation Disputes by the International Court of Justice

l Diego Mejía-Lemos l Abstract l PDF l 


Res Judicata and the Test of Finality

l Edgardo Sobenes Obregon l AbstractPDF l 


Inside(r)-Outside(r): Linguistics, Sociology and the Microterritoriality of Maritime Space on Pitcairn Island

l Joshua Nash l Abstract l PDF l 

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JTMS Volume 5 Number 1


l Lonnie Edge l PDF 


Analysis of Brazil's Geopolitical Design: Prioritizing the South American Regional Integration Maneuver

l Nuno Morgado l AbstractPDF 


When Westphalia Goes to (Greater) China: Territory, Sovereignty and legal Narratives Across the Strait

l Horia Ciurtin l AbstractPDF 


Territorial Dispute Strategies as Diversionary Behavior

l Krista E. Wiegand l AbstractPDF 


Continuity and Change: Ma Ying-Jeou, Tsai Ing-Wen and the Dispute in the South China Sea

l Dennis V. Hickey l AbstractPDF 


Rival Partners? Cross-Strait Relations After the Permanent Court of Arbitration Ruling over the South China Sea Disputes

l Enyu Zhang and Yitan Li l AbstractPDF 

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JTMS Volume 4 Number 2


l Hyunjung Kim l PDF​


Legal Status of the Airspace Over an Indeterminate Territory: The Case of the Spratly Islands

l Herbert Aclan Loja l AbstractPDF


Insecurity in the Gulf of Guinea: Reinventing the Past to Explain the Origin and Development of Maritime Insecurity

l Fru Norbert Suh I l Abstract PDF


Maritime Disputes as a Test of Communist Party Legitimacy

l Peter Murphy l AbstractPDF l


Corporate Social Responsibility: All at Sea

l Vaibhav P. Birwatkar l AbstractPDF


The Use of Force at Home and Abroad Through Diversionary Foreign Policy: The Case of Preah Vihear 

l Myungsik Ham and Elaine Tolentino l AbstractPDF l


Litigating to Negotiate Access to the Pacific Ocean: A Study of the Bolivia v. Chile Case

l Miriam Cohen and Mareike Klein l AbstractPDF l


Territorial Sea Limits in the Singapore Strait

l Vivian Loius Forbes l AbstractPDF l


The Future of the Central Arctic Ocean: Protection Through International Law

l Stefan Kirchner l AbstractPDF l

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JTMS Volume 4 Number 1

Sharks Need Protection and Surfers Want Security: the Recent Shark Control Program of La Réunion in the Context of the International Legal Framework

​l Géraldine Giraudeau l AbstractCorrection l PDF


Historic Title over Land and Maritime Territory

l Xuechan Ma l AbstractPDF


Overcoming Territoriality through Water Regime: the Case of the Lower Mekong (1957–1977)

l Joshua Nash l AbstractPDF l​


The Multi-Scalar Geographies of Place naming: the Case of Cyprus

l Steven M. Radil l AbstractPDF


Pitcairn Island, Island Toponymies and Fishing Ground Names: Toward the Possibility of a Peaceful Onshore and Offshore Reconciliation

l Joshua Nash l AbstractPDF


The “One-Letter War”—or, How Skagerrak Became a Disputed Name

​l Peder Gammeltoft l AbstractPDF

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JTMS Volume 3 Number 2

The Scope and Content of Sovereign Rights in Relation to Non-Living Resources in the Continental Shelf and the Exclusive Economic Zone

l Danae Azaria l AbstractPDF l


Between Villa Schroder (ITLOS) and the Peace Palace (ICJ): Diverging Approaches to Continental Shelf Delimitation Beyond 200 Nautical Miles

l Ioannis Konstantinidis l AbstractPDF l


Challenges on the Ocean and the Future of the Law of the Sea: Environment, Security, and Human Rights

l Hwang Junshik l AbstractPDF l


Sino-Japanese Relations Over the East China Sea: The Case of Oil and Gas Fields

l Chung-min Tsai l AbstractPDF l


Objections Not Possessing an "Exclusively Preliminary Character" in the South China Sea Arbitration

l Stefan Talmon l AbstractPDF l

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JTMS Volume 3 Number 1

The Colonial Origins of Territorial Disputes in South Asia

l Sandip Kumar Mishra l AbstractPDF


Maritime Features in the Public Order of the Oceans: A Jurisprudential Reflection

l Charles H. Norchi l Abstract l PDF


Shinzo Abe’s Scheme of Staking Territorial Claims to Korea’s Dokdo

l Edward Kwon & Liza Abram Benham l AbstractPDF


Making Peace over a Disputed Territory in Southeast Asia: Lessons from the Batu Puteh / Pedra Branca Case

l Kamarulzaman Askandar & Carlervin Sukim l AbstractPDF


Irredentism in Disputed Territories and Its Influence on the Border Conflicts and Wars

l German Kim l AbstractPDF


Why is the North Sea West of Us?: Principles behind the Naming of Seas

l Peder Gammeltoft l AbstractPDF


Review: Is There a Best Practice for a Peaceful Resolution of the South China Sea Disputes?

l Sukjoon Yoon l PDF

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JTMS Volume 2 Number 2

Guest Editor’s Introduction to the Special Issue

l Alexander Bukh l PDF


“We Want a State of Our Own!”

l Timur Dadabaev l PDF


Uneasy Pairs : Revitalizations of Karen Ethno-Nationalism and Civil Society across the Thai-Burmese Border

l Alexander Horstmann l PDF


Illegality & Alterity : Preliminary Notes on SEZ, Civil Society, and the Thai-Burmese Borderland

l Decha Tangseefa l PDF


Intersections between Civil Society, Insurgency, and Development : Case of the Subnational Confl ict in the South of Thailand

l Ora-orn Poocharoen l PDF


Assessing Local Responses to Chinese-Backed Resource Development Projects in Myanmar and Cambodia : A Critical Survey

l Pichamon Yeophantong l PDF


Japanese Activists, the Environment, and Border-Crossing Movements in Asia

l Simon Avenell l PDF


Translating Critical Border Studies in East Asia

l Jason Young l PDF l


A Critical Development of Border Studies

l Fuminori Kawakubo l PDF

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JTMS Volume 2 Number 1

Peace as the Absence of Militarized Conflict

l John A. Vasquez l PDF


The Global Security Management Crisis

l Patrick Morgan l PDF


Tectonic Move in 21st Century International Relations

l Yi Feng l PDF


The Consolidation of the Euro-regional Territory and Its Consequences

l Enrique J. Varela l PDF


The EU External Edges: Borders as Walls or Ways?

l Marie-Laure Basilien-Gainche l PDF


The Use of Force at Sea in the 21st Century

l Efthymios D. Papastavridis l PDF


Geopolitics and Conflict

l Harvey Starr l PDF


A Flexible Expansion of Space to Resolve Conflicting Borders

l Youngkyu Shim l PDF l

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JTMS Volume 1 Number 2

Societal Heterogeneity, Weak States and Internal Conflict

l Karen Rasler l PDF


Maintaining Maritime Peace in East Asia

l Keyuan Zou l PDF


Vietnam and the South China Sea Dispute

l Min Van Pham l PDF


China’s Territorial Disputes with Japan

l Hui-yi Katherine Tseng l PDF


Russia’s Territorial Disputes with China and Japan

l Andrey Sidorov l PDF


Japan’s Quest for Dokdo and the South Kurile Islands

l Alexander Bukh l PDF


A Genealogy of Territory à la Foucault

l Whanyung Kim l PDF


Cultural Context of the U.S./Mexico Border

l Yoonjeong Chang l PDF

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JTMS Volume 1 Number 1

The Resurgence of Territorial and Maritime Issues in the Post-Modern Era

l Chae-Han Kim l PDF


Territorial Change and Selection Institutions

l James D. Morrow l PDF


Resolution of Border Disputes in the Arabian Gulf

l Krista E. Wiegand l PDF


Tourism and Cross-Border Conflict

l Anna Getmansky l PDF


Colonialism and Border Disputes in Africa

l Mi Yung Yoon l PDF


Maritime and Territorial Boundary Disputes in Latin America

l Richard J. Kilroy, Jr. l PDF


Territorial Disputes and Taiwan’s Regional Diplomacy

l Barthélémy Courmont l PDF


Features of Territorial Disputes in Northeast Asia

l Sangtu Ko l PDF

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